Workforce Physicals

Workforce Physicals (D.O.T. – C.O. & Employee)

DOT and Crane Operator Physical is a required physical exam for all CDL, CO and transportation drivers. Jobs in crane operation are physically demanding and require employees to be in good health and physical condition. Our crane operator exam includes: DOT test: This test is highly regulated for public safety and designed to detect physical, mental and emotional issues affecting a driver’s ability to operate a commercial motor vehicle safely. And Drug screening: Drug screenings usually use a urine sample and must be negative for the employee to pass. The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires all commercial motor vehicle drivers to be evaluated by a certified medical examiner (CME) to ensure they are healthy enough to safely perform the demanding job of a driver.

Caring Linq Medical & Wellness Center has an extensive network of CMEs throughout the region to help companies meet this requirement. Our screenings also follow the latest Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations. Our examinations are valid for up to 24 months. Should an issue be discovered during one of our exams, our CMEs are backed by CLMWC’s network of medical specialists to help address a problem.

Employment exams do more than meet regulations. When you screen new hires, you’re ensuring your company is employing and maintaining healthy employees and promoting workforce safety. With CLMWC, you’ll get tailored examinations that meet your specific needs.

CLMWC offers comprehensive examination options. Our screenings ensure your business is a good fit for new hires and that they are healthy throughout their employment. If an injury does happen, we make sure an employee’s recovery meets job requirements for a safe return to the workforce. We also provide ancillary testing based on your company’s needs. Our programs meet regulatory requirements, and we cost-effectively provide examinations with same-day access and electronic results.

CLMWC physical exams offer:

Additional Off-Site Service Include:

Call or make an appointment to get your physical done and have you back on the road with confident that you are in compliance of DOT. Employee turnover slows down your business and negatively affects productivity. Use our occupational medicine services to reduce this issue. CLMWC enables you to hire workers who are the best fit for your company’s culture and the required job tasks. We offer a variety of employment physicals and background checks to find the best employees for your business.

We offer specialized services to find the most qualified people to become the future of your company. Use Caring Linq Medical to get the information you need to make the best hiring decisions.

We are also offer, Off-Site Screenings: Respiratory Protection Program – Background Screenings and Hearing Conservation

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